Feeling Political: Introductory Episode Launched

How are you feeling about the election? Are you sad, excited, depressed, or angry? Or are you all of these things? Personally, I was pretty depressed before the election. Today, I have some trepidation, but I also feel motivated like I haven’t in a long time. I’ve taken that energy and launched a podcast series called Feeling Political.

Feeling Political is a podcast series about emotions, politics, and action. I'm talking to people about how they feel and what they want to do based on those feelings. These are short conversations with activists, organizers, and thinkers around the country. I’m also featuring short clips from people who send me voice memos. The introductory episode is up and includes one of those short clips from Sam in New York. Check it out below. I’ll be releasing one episode each week from now through Inauguration.

I still need your help. Send me a 3 minute recording answering three questions: How you want to be identified; How you're feeling in this political moment; and What's your advice to someone who wants to know what to do. 

Email the clip to me at daniel@alternativehistorian.com. Some of these clips will be played on the podcast along with interviews from organizers and thinkers from around the country. Thanks and looking forward to hearing your story.