The Riots This Time

I have realized today that I have been doing this for 30 years. I have written, studies, organized around, etc. criminal justice issues for 30 years. I have heard the stories and seen the videos of police killings for 30 years.

I am quite tired of this merry go round.

Four years ago I published an article on organizing during the spate killings committed by Atlanta police in the early 1970s. Volume 6 of “Theory in Action” has a few great articles, as well as mine. Here’s the list. Please have a look.

Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Dana Williams
Introduction: State Violence, Social Control, and Resistance

Michael J. Coyle
Penal Abolition as the End of Criminal Behavior

Daniel Horowitz Garcia
Same, Same But Different: An Atlanta Case Study in Movement Building

Jeff Shantz
They Have Always Been Military: On So-Called Militarized Policing in Canada

Sebastián Sclofsky
Policing Race in Two Cities: From Necropolitcal Governance to Imagined Communities

I am honestly unsure of what to do. My instinct is to stay on track providing whatever kind of historical context my education and experience can provide. It honestly doesn’t feel like much right now, but I’m not sure what would in this moment.

Take care.